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Explore the Deaf Stones Thracian Sanctuary (VIDEO)

The Deaf Stones (Guhite kamani)  rock sanctuary shrine is one of the largest Thracian cult – burial complexes in the Rhodope Mountain (Southeast Bulgaria). The santuary dates from the early Iron Age (XII – VI centuries BC.) and was used during Antiquity and Middle Ages. Cultural layers, thick over 2.5 m., provide detailed information, revealing lots of facilities, related to rituals and cult practices of our ancestors .

The unique complex hidden in the woods, is located 30 km.  from the city of Svilengrad near the Bulgarian-Turkish border.

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Our Thracian ancestors seem to have selected the location of their sanctuary very carefully. The nature around is extremely beautiful and awesome, and the site offers excellent views to all directions of the world. ( see Google Maps below)

The great interest in the ancient complex is mainly due to the numerous trapezium shaped niches. They are cut on the sides of the 30-metre-high rocks.  No one knows how or why they were craved. Their purpose was doubtlessly ritualistic. The Thracians may have  used them as funeral urns by .

Visitors are impressed by the lack of audibility there – the rocks simply absorb the noise, there is no echo as well. That is the reason why the complex has been named The deaf Stones.

The rock sanctuary  includes two perfectly preserved  megalithic tombs with 33 carved in the stone steps. The steps lead to the top of the granite rock with a breathtaking view towards the slopes of the Rhodopes Mountain and nearby lake Ivailovgrad.

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